Saturday 9 July 2022

Montreal Metro Part II

The second gallery of Montreal's Metro network of underground life. 








Champ de Mars



Monday 16 May 2022

ENA Gets A New Plane

 On April 24th of 2012, Ecole Nationale d'Aérotechnique, a campus for aviation school of Collège Édouard Montpetit, acquired another Challenger jet built by Canadair, this time being C-FBEI which was set up as a private jet unlike C-FURG which arrived in 2010 from the Government of Quebec`s medivac division. Here are the photographs of the aircraft from that day, with the students, teachers, school staff and even a curious Heli-Inter helicopter in joy and wonder on the arrival of this aircraft, it was a day of excitement. Just before landing, the aircraft did a fly by.